Tuesday, April 7, 2009

earth thing

It was awsome i saw in mexico and stuff like that. I saw all the land forms that hawaii had and it looked weird that crack i think was volcanos or something. Alaska had many colors on it it had ice volcanos all kinds of things africa the clouds are really low. It mostly had a green color. That is all i saw with the time i had

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

without cellphones

I think that a world without cellphones would stink for me. It would stink because you and your friends wouldnt be in touch with each other as often than with cellphones. The better thing is that you wouldnt need to imagine the emotion that the person that is texting you would make. You would be face to face with them. The economy would be worse i think because people wouldnt buy cellphones and the government wouldnt get the same amount of money as with cellphones. The world would know less of people because they wouldnt be geting in touch as much. This would be a nicer and better place because people wouldnt know about people as much as they did and so there would be no talking behind peoples backs. I would be a different person by going out more than i do because then you could go and talk to your friends. So i think that people would do more with their lives than just text people. Thats why i think that a world without cellphones would stink.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1.) i noticed that i wasnt giving good eye contact and while i was doing the presentation i thought that i was giving good eye contact.

2.)i could improve by practicing with people and present while they are watching me present.

3.) i think that my whole group can get better at speaking louder so everybody could hear them while they are talking to the group.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

goals for my education

For this semester I will try my hardest to get the best grades that I can. I also want to listen to the teacher more often. I will try to bring my homework on time. I also want to get in less trouble. I will try to hang out with the good kids more than before. I will try to not get in fights and stuff like that.